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Avatar für Taranis71

Hey Game Widow, we've got a problem with the german Skyrim-Wiki. Nakriin and I'm thinking there is a bug in it.

At first the initial situation: the german wiki-sides with english text need to be translated, so they are marked with the template "übersetzen". All sides with this template in it should be listed in a special category "übersetzen" with an automated actualisation, so that the translated sides be deleted, if they had no longer the template in itself.

Now the problem: To this point everything is fine. If one now insert the search-issue "übersetzen", then all sides with the appropriate template will be listed. Now one choose a side to translate, does this so and at last he deletes the template "übersetzen" out of the side-scripting. Then the publishing of the translated side and all is done. So I had it done with the side Panteas Flöte (Gegenstand). Now, when I am insert again the search-issue "übersetzen" the translated side shouldn't be displayed. But all translated sides are furthermore displayed, and beyond that all translated side without that template are related to the category "übersetzen". (behind the displayed sidename is the cetegory stated) A look in the category-list results in a list without all translated side. Take the side Panteas Flöte (Gegenstand) as an example. I had it translated, it is furthermore displayed in the search-list "übersetzen" and is a member of the category "übersetzen", but if you open that category, the side isn't listed.

This problem is a global one and not only limited to the template "übersetzen". It occurs also with the template "stub" in the same manner.

What do you think about it? Nakriin knows the problem too. :) ...

Wow, this is my first time I wrote so much test in the english language. Please read it, and if you had any problems with the comprehension, feel free to ask me.:)

Greets, and have a nice weekend. Taranis

... there is one point I forget: meanwhile there are about 60 already translated siedes in that named search-list. :)

Avatar für Game widow

There is currently a bug with all searching on Gamepedia. The platform is working on it, but it will take some time. Sorry for the inconvenience

Avatar für Taranis71

oh,ok! We thought, we should give you an hint of that bug. :)

Avatar für Taranis71

Hey! :) I need a translation-tip! What means "while the moons are out"? Means it, that the moons are not in the sky (newmoon; out=off) or that the moons can be seen in the sky (out = out from behind somethig else or up from behind the horizon). Thx for your help.

Avatar für Game widow

Actually it means the opposite, it means when the moons *are* in the sky. Up from behind the horizon is a good way to think about it

Avatar für Taranis71

Hey! :) Different things:

1. Thank you for your thanks few days ago. At this time I'm playing Skyrim with my PS3. In between, in times I can't play the game, I'd like to keep Skyrim in mind. So, if I translate some pages, I will learn things about Skyrim without playing. And it's funny!
2. You asked joning an additional community. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in. While I'm playing Skyrim I will work at the Wiki of Skyrim too. If I finished the game, I will finish my work at the Wiki.
3. Creation Kit: You said I could use that Creation Kit. But this kit only works with a PC-Version of Skyrim, I'm not owning. So, at my opinion, I can't use the Kit anyway.
4. I've got problems with the favorite Wiki at my personal page, like Daeryc few days ago. What's the solution?

Thanks for reading this and your help with my prob's. I hope you can decrypt my horrible english... :)

Avatar für Game widow

i wondered if perhaps you were a console player, so i understand about the Creation Kit. The quick fix for setting your favourite wiki is to go to the English wiki and set it there. If the issue is something else, then please provide more information. Lastly, your english is far superior to my German :D

Avatar für Daeryc

Hey :) How do I choose a fav wiki? Somehow in my settings I can't choose anything :S

Avatar für Daeryc

Hey! Maybe it's a bug but when I'm editing an article I get one more "creation" without creating any article

Avatar für Game widow

Do you mean that a second tab pops up with the new blank page? or a different behaviour?

Avatar für Nakriin

Hey gamewidow, all Login-In-Achievements are still not working in this Wiki, are there any updates when it will be fixed?

Avatar für Game widow

Login achievements are broken pretty much everywhere, so i don't really have any ETA, but i will ask (again)

Avatar für @DeletedUser40570420

ouu x( Ich wusste nicht, dass ich "übersetzen" in je zwei geschwungenen Klammern drüber schreiben muss, wenn ich einen Text übersetzt habe! Sorry :(

Avatar für Game widow

das ist wirklich kein Problem. Mach dir keine Sorgen. Entschuldigen Sie meine schreckliche Deutsch !

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